

Suzanne Crocker (b. 1965), attributes much of her artistic knowledge to her studies with master painters and colorists, Wolf Kahn, Kandinsky and Cynthia Packard, whose own styles developed from being students of Hans Hoffman, best known as a catalyst of Abstract expressionism.  Additionally, she received art training at Montserrat College of Art and the University of Pennsylvania, where she received her BA in art history.  Suzanne has devoted more than three decades of her life to the making of art.

  • “My abstract paintings also come from the feeling of interconnectedness. Years ago I began to work out the idea of using paint to make tangible the intangible energy that runs through and around us. I try to express what might be a microcosm or macrocosm, if we were able to draw/paint energy.

    I rely on music. It not only transports me to a creative zone where thoughts diminish and instinct takes over, but it provides a rhythm for moving across the canvas and for creating colors, marks, strokes, drips of paint.

    For any painting that I do, it begins with mixing up just a few colors on my palette. It never starts the same….there is no formula...rather I explore mixing colors (as I listen to music). I let the music and the feeling of temperature drive the initial colors instinctively; more colors are born in response to those that came before. The abstract paintings become a symphony, with large sounds and small sounds, complex sounds and simple sounds, hot sounds and cool sounds, intense sounds set against rests. It is energy as exists all around us and through us but which we cannot see.”

    — Suzanne Crocker