
ran adler

Ran assembles a variety of natural elements into sculptural compositions that attach directly to a wall or may be free-standing. His work is spiritual, organic, sensual and richly textured. Many of Ran's pieces are commissioned and customized to the space.

  • Ran Adler, an artist of assemblage, uses various elements of nature as his medium, each united by the common characteristic of having grown around us. Through these components, utilizing intense wiring, weaving and stringing techniques, Adler explores the essence of repetition found in various religious cultures in the symbols of the Catholic Rosary, or Buddhist and Hindu Prayer Beads.

    As a young boy, Ran Adler stood on the shallow banks of the Missouri River and stared into the small currents running contrary to the main flow, sometimes rotating into furious whirlpools. Some forty years later, finding expression in the very elements that surrounded him as a child (horsetail reeds), Adler’s installations and assemblages are ironic representations of the primal forces of wind and water, and transcend the limits of conscious memory.

    Ran Adler has completed commissions and installations for corporate and private collectors throughout the United States and South America. His work has been shown at various galleries, museums and alternative spaces. “Art is often, for the artist, an exercise in personal growth. For me, as I work on the tapestry of my life story, I find the repetitive nature of my art to be a form of prayer and a path to strengthen my personal discipline.”

    The Florida Gulf Coast University Art Galleries of the Bower School of Music & the Arts presented “Presence: Ran Adler,” a solo show January-February of 2020, featuring a world of natural materials transformed into large-scale sculpture and installations. Ran Adler, brings an established and deep connection to the natural environment of Southwest Florida.